Caracterização do uso de dispositivos móveis particulares nos Câmpus do sudoeste da UTFPR: subsídios para a construção de uma política de BYOD
2018-07-06Registro en:
BOIARSKI, Jonas Aldemir. Caracterização do uso de dispositivos móveis particulares nos Câmpus do sudoeste da UTFPR: subsídios para a construção de uma política de BYOD. 2018. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2018.
Boiarski, Jonas Aldemir
The widespread use mobile devices and the need for people to stay connected at all times and from everywhere makes their users constantly use their Personal Mobile Devices (PMD) to inform or interact with their networks relationships, whether personal or professional. In the university environment, the adoption BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) tends to increase accessibility, promote mobility and flexibility in the teaching and learning process and in the various activities, be they institutional or private. Once the adoption and incorporation the PMD occur spontaneously, it becomes relevant for organizations, at a given moment, to know the existing practices, expectations, and parameterize BYOD institutional policies in order to coordinate the necessary resources (IT, energy , equipment etc.) as well as the management processes (maintenance, security, electronic document processing etc.). This work aims to characterize the purposes and time permanence particular mobile devices in the Campuses the Southwest of Paraná of the UTFPR, in order to subsidize the construction an organizational policy BYOD. For that, a multisite study was carried out involving the UTFPR Campus located in the Southwest of Paraná, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. As a tool for collecting information, a structured questionnaire was used, for which 386 respondents were stratified into 245 students, 82 teachers and 59 administrative technicians. It is worth noting that in the sample studied, the use PMD is high, since 97.4% of respondents point out their use in UTFPR, with 89.89% and smartphone, with 88.83%, devices. Regarding the length of stay or number times it is used, was verified that 72.9% students use the smartphone continuously and 90.3% them use the notebook 3 to 5 times a day. The main activities performed with PMD are also characterized, and the main benefits and limitations the use PMD in HEI are highlighted, which include the positive utility use and learning effectiveness, as well as the limitations insufficient infrastructure, characteristics techniques and user training for effective use in HEI. With the semistructured interview conducted with the directors education, research, extension, planning and IT managers, the need to implement a PMD management policy was confirmed as a tool offered for the treatment or planning the entrance and adoption equipment. The aspects that have received more prominence in this qualitative step the research and, therefore, must be considered carefully in the elaboration a policy of BYOD refer to: need to guarantee the use the equipment in its totality; analyze the investments and benefits by adopting the most appropriate solution for the financial and personal resources available; define platforms, controlled devices and levels of security to be accommodated; the access security policy adopted. Also, it is evident the need that the proposal of the policy and guidelines, provision of financial and personal resources and the prediction that IT solutions or services to be adopted be standardized for all campus of the Institution, preferably being prompted by the Rectory. Also, as an additional contribution, a framework (base script) was structured to serve as an auxiliary tool in the adoption process.