Orçamento participativo no município de Itapetininga-SP: diagnóstico e oportunidades
2011-12-03Registro en:
KORTZ, Carlos Eduardo Viana. Orçamento participativo no município de Itapetininga-SP: diagnóstico e oportunidades. 2011. 75 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
Kortz, Carlos Eduardo Viana
With the concerns about care of the democracy on Brazilian government became most common, alternatives methodologies of social inclusion on the deliberation process under public management. Took a share of the political scenario, the methodologies of Participative Budgeting came conquering their own place in Brazilian cities. In the Itapetininga’s city scene, this methodology is under building process. With this research this work points to found under how grade the local program of social participation stays, its actual weakness and its strengths.