Avaliação do impacto causado pela implantação de cartões de controle de produção em uma indústria moveleira
2011-12-13Registro en:
TRAVESSINI, Rosana. Avaliação do Impacto Causado Pela Implantação de Cartões de Controle em uma Indústria Moveleira. 2011. 84 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2011.
Travessini, Rosana
The quest for survival and prominence in the furniture sector, led the industries to give more importance to the improvement in production processes and management, claiming a service that guarantees quality, productivity and competitiveness. This race for success requires changes that are not always seen by some participants as positive, since besides the process change there are also behavioral changes. In order to evaluate changes in a industrial process, this study sought to verify the impact of the implementation control cards of production in a furniture industry, located in Medianeira - PR. For the effective implementation of the technique it was used the continuous improvement PDCA. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire to those involved. This study concluded that the proposed change has generated a strong resistance, practices and customs prevailed since consolidated and there was very reluctant to make adjustments or changes as the participants were not convinced of the viability and need for such changes. It emerges from the present study, the change processes, even when it is partial and focused on processes, must be followed by an analysis, awareness and further evaluation by all involved.