Plano de negócios: pré-concurso Dom Bosco
2016-06-01Registro en:
CARDOSO, Carine. NEVES, Isabela Bernal. ABREU, Marjorie Mariana de. Plano de negócios: pré-concurso Dom Bosco. 2016. 213 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Cardoso, Carine
Neves, Isabela Bernal
Abreu, Marjorie Mariana de
The present business plan aims to analyze the feasibility of Dom Bosco´s Course to offer public contest preparatory courses as a new product and part of its portfolio, focusing on preparing students for tests and developing their study routine, while they apply for several areas and careers. To reach these goals, a market research was carried out to analyze the acceptance of this product as well as its segment, competitors and best practices. In addition, the macro and microenvironments were analyzed to develop a strategic planning. From such studies, marketing plans as well as operational, financial and people management ones were developed.