Estudos sobre português no Sul do Brasil
2022Registro en:
MENON, Odete Pereira da Silva; FAGUNDES, Edson Domingos (org.). Estudos sobre português no Sul do Brasil. 1. ed. Curitiba: EDUTFPR, 2022. E-book.
Menon, Odete Pereira da Silva (Org.)
Fagundes, Domingos (Org.)
This work consists of eight studies that deal with Portuguese language in the south of Brazil from different sources. Four of them describe phenomena with data from Varsul (Urban Linguistic Variation in Southern Brazil): the first is a synthesis of papers that analyze topics of southern Portuguese phonology; the second is an approach about new conjunctions formed with que – which; the third deals with the variation in the use of prepositions with the verb ir – go (a, para, em) and, finally, the forth work presents a comparison between the Varsul in Curitiba and the VALPB (Linguistic Variation in the State of Paraíba) in João Pessoa, about the variable use of the definite article before possessives and proper nouns. It also contains an acoustic analysis of the final unstressed vowels in Curitiba: /i, a, o/, based on data collected especially for theproject. Data from VARLINFE (Linguistic Variation of Slavic Speech) are used to test vowel /e/ raising in Irati and Mallet (Paraná). Another paper shows initial results of a project aimed at retrieving previous synchronies of the Rio Grande-variety of Portuguese language, based on newspapers from the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth centuries, which are now being digitalized. A test of linguistic attitudes of Italian descendants in the region of Criciúma (Santa Catarina) demonstrates evaluative social perceptions of the use of Italian and Portuguese in those communities. The set of papers aims at contributing to the description of Brazilian Portuguese, as well as to the relation of contact with the languages of immigration.