Aplicação do processo oxidativo avançado Fenton para o tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário
2017-12-07Registro en:
CARVALHO, Jônatas Melo de. Aplicação do processo oxidativo avançado Fenton para o tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário. 2017. 57 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Tecnologia em Processos Ambientais) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Carvalho, Jônatas Melo de
The sanitary landfills are responsible for generation of large amounts of leachate, that presents limitations of treatment in the usual methods. The advanced oxidation process (AOPs) are alternative methods able of fight this compound, promoting the degradation of these by hydroxyl radicals generation (•OH), in this case obtained for the Fenton reaction. In this way, the project evaluated the efficiency of POA Fenton’s application for the treatment of slurry from the Caximba’s Sanitary Landfill, comparing the results with CONAMA 357/2005 resolution. This treatment resulted in a huge efficient in the organic material degradation, using pH 2.8 and stoichiometric ratio H2O2/Fe+2 equal 12.9:1. In this conditions the treatment was able to provide a COT removal equal to 84.45% and COD removal equal to 77.82%. However, it showed a increase in the concentration of solids, turbidity and irrelevant alterations of nitrate, nitrite, ammoniacal-N, resulting in a treated effluent above the limits established by CONAMA 357/2005.