Uma sequência didática para a introdução à física das radiações ionizantes no ensino médio
2018-09-21Registro en:
ULIANO, Valério. Uma sequência didática para introdução à física das radiações ionizantes no ensino médio. 2018. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2018.
Uliano, Valério
Teaching physics must enable students to interpret the world from the sciences point of view, managing concepts, physics laws and scientific theories, while at the same time developing aspects inserted in their daily lifes, mainly in the social and cultural ones. However, some studies claim that students have experienced difficulties, or even fail to achieve or construct adequate representations of Science. In this context, this work had as main goal to develop a Didactics Sequence for the teaching of Radiation Physics in High School considering the relations Science, Technology and Society (CTS), for a class in the last year of high school. It was conducted ten classes about introducing radiation physics, x-rays, radioactive waste and the use of radiation in other fields. And to finish a technical visit, where students could correlate and verify the practice of lectures subjects addressed in the classroom. As a result, the accomplishment of the Didactics Sequence reached the proposed objectives, and it was possible to notice a greater interest and the student‟sparticipation