Utilização de infusões de plantas condimentares com atividade antimicrobiana na produção de queijo minas frescal
2013-08-27Registro en:
PIAZZA, Ana Caroline Sacoman; ROSSI, Ana Paula; BORTOLUZZI, Grazieli. Utilização de infusões de plantas condimentares com atividade antimicrobiana na produção de queijo minas frescal. 2013. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Piazza, Ana Caroline Sacoman
Rossi, Ana Paula
Bortoluzzi, Grazieli
The search for healthful foods and with high nutricional value is one of the main objectives of the research in the food area. It enters foods with high proteinic value is the Minas fresh cheese that are a typically Brazilian product, with simple elaboration and low cost of production, but with great acceptance in the consuming market. For being a product with high humidity it possess high microbiological contamination, being thus, felt necessity to add ingredients to it that increased its durability. The grass and condiments are studied have a century in the whole world more than, for having properties microbial, capable to reduce the load of microorganisms of foods. In the present work 5 formularizations of Minas fresh cheese had been developed added of plants condiments, F1 (3.5% of chimichurri and 1% of oregano), F2 (3.5% of oregano, 1.5% of mint and 1.5% of garlic), F3 (2% of mint), F4 (2% of oregano) and F5 (2% of garlic in dust) and after the manufacture had been carried through microbiological analyses to prove the antimicrobial activity of the plants. The carried through microbiological analyses had been: aerobic mesophyll microorganisms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus, coliforms at 35oC and coliforms at 45oC. Also analyses of acidity, fat and humidity had been carried through. The physicochemical parameters classified the samples as semi-fat cheese and high humidity. The results presented in the microbiological analysis showed that all formulations of cheese exerted antimicrobial activity, presented the best results, in other words, higher antimicrobial activity were F1 and F5, decreasing the count by up to 3 log cycles. In counts aerobic mesophyll and Staphylococcus coagulase positive, Minas fresh cheese standard without added condiments presented score above 106 CFU g-1 at 15 and 30 days of storage. For coliforms at 35oC and coliforms at 45oC the formularizations F1, F2, F4 and F5 had been most efficient and had diminished the countings of these microorganisms. The use of plants condiments added in the production Minas fresh cheese was effective in the reduction of the countings of mesófilos aerobic microorganisms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus, coliforms at 35oC and coliforms at 45oC.