Formação inicial de licenciandos em química: uma proposta de situação de estudo para abordar o conteúdo básico de radioatividade
2017-11-29Registro en:
ZAPATEIRO, Gean Aparecido. Formação inicial de licenciandos em química: uma proposta de situação de estudo para abordar o conteúdo básico de radioatividade. 2017. 123 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2017.
Zapateiro, Gean Aparecido
The paradigm of the traditional teaching method is still very evident in the pedagogical practices of some teachers in the classroom. This situation has not contributed satisfactorily to the scientific learning of the students, because they can end up understanding science as an absolute truth, ready and finished, that is, not understanding it as a process of construction of scientific knowledge. In view of this concern, this research aimed to demonstrate, through the development of a Study Situation, the importance of approaching the historical-social context of the basic content of radioactivity so that future professors of chemistry overcome pedagogical practices linked only in the traditional method education. The Study Situation was planned and based on the didactic-pedagogical proposal of the Three Pedagogical Moments of Delizoicov, Angotti and Pernambuco (2007). The participants of the research were academics of the degree in Chemistry, members of the PIBID - Institutional Program of the Initiation to Teaching Scholarship of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Londrina campus. The research followed a qualitative approach with characteristics of action research, the procedures for data collection were questionnaires with open and closed questions. The method of treatment and organization of results was performed by content analysis, according to Bardin (2011). The results indicate that the Study Situation facilitated the participants to learn the concept of radioactivity, since 62%, besides presenting in their answers a conception according to the scientific literature, also indicated to have understood the benefits and harms of the radioactivity. Considering the aspects presented, we conclude that the research contributed to the initial training of chemistry graduates, and it is therefore essential to address the historical context of the scientific contents of chemistry as alternative perspectives for overcoming pedagogical practices rooted only in the traditional method of teaching