Informática aplicada a educação do 2º ano do ensino de biologia
2014-03-15Registro en:
SANCHES, Rafael Esteves. Informática aplicada a educação do 2º ano do ensino de biologia. 2014. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Sanches, Rafael Esteves
This work was thematic information technology applied to education in science teaching in the 2nd year of high school. It is in this period when students prepare to set your future in the labor market or personal and professional life. Thus, it is possible to accomplish dynamic activities in the classroom allowing students to have different working methodology of the ordinary that has a great relevance in science education for student development, pointing appropriate methodological procedures and enhancing the teaching and learning. This research aims to help teachers to use a resource of information in their everyday professional and also show the results obtained after classes. To this, was chosen as the methodological procedure literature and field survey that was conducted in the State School Multipurpose of Goioerê-Pr. The research has developed a qualitative approach with a practical biology lesson, based on literature and documents that demonstrated by the results obtained through the interview used by a questionnaire of questions, it is possible to obtain a consistent and satisfactory performance research.