Modelo de avaliação multicritério da gestão energética na indústria automobilística sob requisitos da Indústria 4.0
2018-12-04Registro en:
GRAZIANO, Letícia Fernandes Deggerone; SOUZA, Paula Bernardes de. Modelo de avaliação multicritério da gestão energética na indústria automobilística sob requisitos da Indústria 4.0. 2018. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Graziano, Letícia Fernandes Deggerone
Souza, Paula Bernardes de
The progress of the urbanization and the industrialization of urban centers has directly affected in the energy demand, fostering industrial development. Energy management, coupled with environmental preservation and sustainability, also reflects in the outgoing and in the position of the industrial in the global market. In that way, becoming a reference in the area of energy efficiency requires the control and monitoring of its processes through solutions that aim to improve the relation of the industrial entity with its energy management through requirements and pillars of the Industry 4.0. From the proposal to connect people, systems and machines in an efficient production process (increasing productivity and reducing waste), the Industry 4.0 brought new concepts of technology such as internet of things (IoT), communication between machines (M2M), cyber-physical systems (CPS), 3D printing, among others concepts. Therefore, the scope of this study is to propose the elaboration of an evaluation model, based on multicriteria evaluation methods, aimed at the diagnostic analysis of a multinational automobile company regarding the level of maturity of its energy management and the investigation of improvement in its capabilities based on requirements of the Industry 4.0. Evaluating the organization’s position in its energy management becomes of crucial importance for a continuous improvement action plan that, through the weaknesses pointed out in the diagnostic analysis, allows the characterization of projects of digital transformation of impact in its energy performance.