Aplicação de uma análise de eficiência das refinarias de petróleo brasileiras
2018-06-18Registro en:
TURINO, Rafael Lopes. Aplicação de uma análise de eficiência das refinarias de petróleo brasileiras. 2018. 50 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2018.
Turino, Rafael Lopes
Brazil is currently the 9th largest producer of oil in the world, being among the countries that are not part of the OPEC, countries which obtained the highest growth of production in recent years, 3.2% in 2016. In a national context the petroleum sector has moved in 2014 13% of the Brazilian GDP, 10% more than in 2000, corresponding to approximately R$ 717.8 billion. Among the industries of chemical processes, the petrochemical industry is one that has the productive system and management more complicated. In this context, the present study seeks to evaluate the efficiency of refineries in Brazil with the aim of determining which aspects can be improved so that inefficient refineries to become efficient. For this, is done using the technique of Data Envelopment Analysis, guided the product, the BCC model, to evaluate the efficiency of 13 petroleum refineries in Brazil, of which 12 are belonging to Petrobras and one is particular. The model was built from the inputs of production capacity and number of accesses, and product production of derivatives. With this, four efficient refineries were obtained (Replan and Revap, Regap and Lubnor) and a mean efficiency of 0.8449, pointing to the inefficient refineries the existing gaps in each input and product and which efficient refineries serve as a reference, so that they reach the border of efficiency.