HOV: aplicativo mobile que promove a troca de produtos orgânicos entre produtores locais
2018-06-19Registro en:
MEDEIROS, Victoria Dantas de. HOV: aplicativo mobile que promove a troca de produtos orgânicos entre produtores locais. 2018. 96 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Design Gráfico) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Medeiros, Victoria Dantas de
This Diploma Work presents the development of a mobile application that promotes the exchange of organic foods among local producers. It includes an exploratory research on the origin and importance of organic food as well as the benefits of organic food to the environment, health and urban producers. It also justifies the option of exchange, which promotes various social benefits, rather than the sale of products. In order to provide a good user experience, concepts of usability, interface design and interaction were explored. Concepts of visual identity were also researched and applied. Finally, the construction of the interface design is evidenced by the sequence of sketches and development of the screens with the objective of promoting organic food and the contact between producers, thus creating a new alternative of consumption through technology.