Protótipo de sistema automatizado de inspeção visual da turbidez da água
2016-11-23Registro en:
SILVA, Bruno Vieira Dias da; BRAGA, Milene Idalgo. Protótipo de sistema automatizado de inspeção visual da turbidez da água. 2016. 77 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Mecatrônica Industrial) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Silva, Bruno Vieira Dias da
Braga, Milene Idalgo
The technology of industrial automation reaches levels day after day increasingly sophisticated. Of course, large and sophisticated industries require sophisticated technologies for large productions. However, small industries often seek for a proper automation technology to its power investment. With the rise of micro-entrepreneurs of brewing craft industry of Curitiba, the development of equipment with cost and adequate size to inspection of turbidity of liquid of small industries’ products is something that is worthy demand attention. In this work, an automatic inspection system of the liquid turbidity that is able to separate a failed or approved product on an visual inspection was developed. Technicals from nephelometry and turbidimetry for visual inspection were combined. The prototype of this system integrates the Vision Builder software from National Instruments to the Arduino microcontroller. The operation was satisfactory, however, with reliability within a limited range turbidity levels. Still, for having low cost, this may be a relevant interest system for very specific market segments and even for new studies.