Importância da capacitação e qualificação do gestor público rumo ao estado necessário
2013-03-06Registro en:
MARMOL, Aparecida Inêz Kozlowski. Importância da capacitação e qualificação do gestor público rumo ao estado necessário. 2013. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Goioerê, 2013.
Marmol, Aparecida Inêz Kozlowski
This paper discusses the importance of training and qualification of the public manager in search quality and efficiency of services in the face of social inequality, lack of strategies for public policies that meet the needs of the people, society participation in policy definitions for transformation of not only current needs, but to promote the desired future state of the search required. Aims to identify the specific laws that support the performance of the public manager, discuss the responsibilities of the public manager in the face of new social demands, present the importance of qualifying for the development of the work of the municipal manager, highlight the importance of ongoing training for the municipal manager. Finally, highlights the importance of qualifications and ongoing training of municipal manager, as regards the liability of public management quality which seeks to promote the "State Requirements" according to what is prescribed in the Constitution. To do so, we use the methodology literature as the books, articles, standards, sites, laws and dissertations. With this study it was concluded that the public manager must study politics, it needs to develop skills and competence for the negotiation, preparation and implementation of public policies aimed at a democratic and egalitarian.