As tecnologias assistivas e o processo de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência visual
2018-10-12Registro en:
MURBACH, Adriana Maria Sass. As tecnologias assistivas e o processo de inclusão dos alunos com deficiência visual. 2018. 30 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Língua Portuguesa e Literatura) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Murbach, Adriana Maria Sass
The major objects of this paper are Assistance Technology and the Inclusion of students withvisual disabilities. The purpose of this research is to ponder over many technological resources to those students who are moderate or partialvisually impaired, so as they may be able to socialise and administer their abilities and knowledge about plentiful sorts of “multilettering” specially the digital ones. The study is supported by theoreticians such as Tfouni (2010), Magalhães (2012), and Rojo (2009) whom pursue to understand the literacy concepts over a multimodal perspective. The research takes into consideration the assistivetechnology improvements, stimulating the person not only to include theirselves socially speaking but also to read and write. At first, observations are made about the media and its organization of late, connected to the process of accomplishments of those various digital “lettering”. Moreover, the variety of the “lettering” is discussed from a digital and multimodal outlook, also monitoring the social and technological progress, which the student put themselves into a challenging situation that they have to think about what they read, listen and see. Hence, the study samples technological resources that are available for the inclusion of visually impaired people into the society. Software and hardware are examples of how it is possible to identify possibilities for the individual with disability to have autonomy in the society.