Pin Curitiba: aplicativo para dispositivo móvel sobre turismo cultural em Curitiba
2014-02-10Registro en:
CHAICOSKI JUNIOR, Ary Ney; KALÔ, Gabrielle Justi. Pin Curitiba: aplicativo para dispositivo móvel sobre turismo cultural em Curitiba. 2014. 117 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Chaicoski Junior, Ary Ney
Kalô, Gabrielle Justi
This final paper presents the development of a mobile app, called Pin Curitiba, which intends to enumerate and expose information about heritage assets listed by the national and state assets, and places of historical importance to the city of Curitiba. It ́s goal is to encourage cultural tourism and appreciation of outstanding assets. To write this paper a theoretical foundation based on authors and diagnostics market and GUIs was taken, as well as quantitative and qualitative research field about user behavior. The result of the research and theoretical foundation enabled the design of an application that meets the criteria of usability.