Bioindicadores de qualidade de solo: microrganismos em um estudo de caso
2015-07-07Registro en:
SANTOS, Isis Moreira. Bioindicadores de qualidade de solo: microrganismos em um estudo de caso. 2015. 39 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2015.
Santos, Isis Moreira
Microorganisms are important in the degradation of organic matter and are crucial in the dynamics of soil nutrients. This study aimed to evaluate microbiological environmental soil quality of a fragment semideciduous forest the city of Corumbataí do Sul - PR, using microorganisms as biological indicators. This study was conducted in a private estate, which has a vegetation of semideciduous forest montana. Ments were two sample that had marked 15m², one at the beginning of the strand, which showed signs of human action and a lower canopy, with less amount of litter and differentiated coloring of the soil in relation to the other site, which was located approximately 100 m higher than first place. There were three soil sample collections, before the collections withdrew from the litter and all organic material from the soil surface. Within the sample sites retired five sub-samples, all were homogenized separately per site and then taken to the Ecology Laboratory of the Federal Technological University of Paraná Campus Campo Mourao for processing. Have to stabilize the moisture, the soil was weighed every day to stabilize the water loss, being performed in triplicate for each sample site. Subsequently, it carried out the dilution series procedure was also done in triplicate for two sampling sites thus using for microbiological analyzes, which were all done in triplicate. From the statistical analysis it was found that the two sampling sites in the forest fragment are different in relation to all microbiological analyzes. However, the second sample site presented in all analyzes largest amount of colonies formations, showing that it is more conducive for microorganisms because apparently the place suffered less human actions and presents a greater vegetation cover, with higher amounts of litter and the appearance the differentiated ground. Thus, occurrence there is a more abundant environment microbiologically demonstrates a possible environmental influence factors that were not evaluated in this particular study, but, according to some authors, reflect more directly in the formation of soil microbes.