Projeto de abatedouro móvel para suínos
2016-07-08Registro en:
BRIK, Eveline Manosso Janik. Projeto de abatedouro móvel para suínos. 2016. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gerenciamento de obras) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Brik, Eveline Manosso Janik
This study aimed to develop a mobile slaughterhouse project, with a view to sustainability and particularly in minimizing illegal logging of smallholder pig. Aiming at the high occurrence of such culls and worrying about the problems that these activities generate for society as a whole. The main focus is the palm region in the state of Paraná, where pig farming is developing with Moura race through small farmers. This project is based on existing health conditions that determine the space, equipment and materials used in abattoirs, and possible methods to transform an abattoir in a building and sustainable activity. For this was chosen metal containers adapted the rules to allow the project to be feasible and possible to achieve. Mainly for the mobile abattoir can meet regions of lower slaughter flows, enabling these regions basic hygiene conditions and rootedness of mistreatment of animals in pig slaughter activity.