IoT Smart Lock (ISL): sistema de fechadura inteligente, utilizando protocolos de Internet das Coisas
2018-11-13Registro en:
GROSSMANN, Gustavo Henrique. IoT Smart Lock (ISL): sistema de fechadura inteligente, utilizando protocolos de Internet das Coisas. 2018. 92 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Internet das Coisas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Grossmann, Gustavo Henrique
The number of applications and devices for Internet of Things (IoT) tends to grow up significantly over the next decade. Align with this fact, the growing concern of the human being for the security of his personal assets, make this an interesting subject. However, just as mobile applications have their particularities, applications for home automation and security, must also have their own. Network protocols, application protocols, databases, interfaces with the user, among other points, all should be analyzed with great caution, in order to achieve greater energy efficiency, less network traffic and more efficient data management. Because of this, when we think about an application involving a smart lock for small installations, such as drawers and cabinet doors, it is recommended to study about Smart Homes, MQTT / MQTT-SN, 6LowPan, bank NoSQL data and mobile applications. In addition of this, the way of integrating all these technologies is a point to be strongly considered at the time of its development. In this way, IoT Smart Lock (ISL) seeks to be a smart lock solution that takes into account all these concepts, being the product that tries to differentiate itself in the market due to the following fact: few solutions are available in this year of 2018, using this kind of resources and technologies. This document seeks to present the various blocks that make up the ISL solution, its particularities, as well as the strengths and weaknesses found during the analysis and creation of the first version of the prototype of the project, showing the details of the electronic connections, how the different blocks of the solution communicate with each other using MQTT-SN messages and the way of searching and inserting data in the Google Firebase tool, via the REST API.