Análise de vibrações do sistema “E” de ventilação da Itaipu Binacional
2017-04-27Registro en:
PARAVIZI, Rogelho. Análise de vibrações do sistema “E” de ventilação da Itaipu
Binacional. 2017. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gerência de Manutenção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Paravizi, Rogelho
This scientific work presents a study of the operation conditionsbased on predictive maintenance by vibration analysis of ItaipuBinacionalfan systems, emphasizing the ventilation system with evaporative cooling, identified in Itaipu as System E. It’s made an overview of fan systems, their operation and purpose, types of fans, notions about vibration analysis and possible faults that can be detected through this maintenance type.Is given a general notion about the maintenance types available and the way they are implemented in ItaipuBinacional. A comparative analysis of the way in which the vibration analysis is measured and analyzed in the company and a comparison of the possible evolution with the renewal of the fans of the system under study.