| masterThesis
Qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho: UTFPR - Curitiba e o desenvolvimento de pessoas
2014-10-30Registro en:
FERRARI, Maria Dolores. Qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho: UTFPR - Curitiba e o desenvolvimento de pessoas. 2014. 165 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Ferrari, Maria Dolores
This dissertation deals with the quality of work life, motivating the development of people, with reference to the institution of higher education named Federal University of Technological- Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba. It interact faculty, students, administrative staff and people of outsourced services. The main objective was to deepen the notions of the term "Quality of Life" legitimized the use and ownership of working hours and non-work by people who work in an institutional environment of higher education. The theoretical foundation has as a backdrop the concepts of work, working time, leisure time and quality of life in social and historical dimensions that rescues the general working conditions and specific proposals UTFPR. The methodology was qualitative in nature, aiming for the interaction between the variables of the Meaning of Working Research Team (MOW) model with the data collected through interviews to know the perception of the concepts underlying the term quality of life at work. The theme was spatially delimited by the choice of people working at UTFPR-Curitiba, and the temporal aspect, rescued testimony on historical Quality of Life activities during the years 2013 and 2014 interviews through open-ended questions were used as methodological tools. The results of the field research confirmed the concepts chosen for the discussion of the theoretical framework, which established correspondences between free time and work time. Survey participants approached the notion of quality of work life with the use and ownership of their free time. So we were both workers' practices as the theoretical discussions that build the notions and concepts of Quality of Life at Work were completed.