Mapeamento e análise da fragilidade ambiental da área urbana e periurbana do município de Matelândia - PR
2018-11-20Registro en:
LISBOA, Eliana Regina. Mapeamento e análise da fragilidade ambiental da área urbana e periurbana do município de Matelândia - PR. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Ambiental) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2018.
Lisboa, Eliana Regina
As result of advancement of the exploitation of natural resources caused by urban sprawl, the environmental planning is necessary, because it is possible to identify environmental and social impacts and assist in decision making to minimize discerned problems. In view of this, a letter of environmental fragility is a tool to assist territorial planning because is included in it the susceptible areas to erosion processes, whether related to natural or anthropogenic factors. Your study is of great importance, because indicates as possibilities and restrictions of human use and occupation in the place of study. Due to the fact, the present research aims to map and analyze the environmental fragility of the urban and periurban area of the municipality Matelândia, located in the western region of the state of Paraná, Brazil.The methodology chosen was proposed by Ross (1994). According to the same, thematic maps have been elaborated, such as the land use and cover, the declivity map, the pedological map and finally, as letters of environmental fragility. The software used was QGIS version 2.18.24 and Google Earth Pro. The correlation of the pedological information with the slope allowed the elaboration of the map of potential fragility, which together with the land use and land cover data form the emerging fragility letter. As result, it was possible to verify that in areas of low fragility there is, predominantly, the consolidated urban area and pasture areas with low trampling and in the areas of strong fragility, silvicultural activities, mining, some areas of temporary cultivation and pastures with high and low trampling and exposed soil. In addition, it has been verified that in some areas where are occurring urban expansion it is necessary conservationist practices, since they are susceptible areas to the development of erosive processes. Finally, it was proposed a suggestion of urban expansion areas, in order to to collaborate with the urban environmental planning of the municipality Matelândia – PR.