Boas práticas de governança pública: análise dos processos disciplinares decorrentes de assédio moral, instaurados no âmbito da (UTFPR), durante o biênio 2018/2019
2019-12-16Registration in:
VACOVSKI, Eduardo. Boas práticas de governança pública: análise dos processos disciplinares decorrentes de assédio moral, instaurados no âmbito da (UTFPR), durante o biênio 2018/2019. 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado em Planejamento e Governança Pública) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
Vacovski, Eduardo
Public governance is understood as the set of mechanisms of leadership, strategy and control practiced for the purposes of assessment, direction and monitoring of management, with a view to conducting public policies and providing services of interest to society. Public higher education institutions (HEIs) seek to follow the risk management policy of the federal public administration in order to protect their image and reputation with society, among other rules. Moral harassment, however, is a pernicious conduct that can permeate work relationships in public universities, causing physical, moral and material damages to the disadvantage of the victim and the institution itself. The investigation and the disciplinary administrative process (PAD) are instruments used to determine responsibilities of public agents for infractions practiced in the exercise of their functions. The aim of this study is to propose the use of good practices in public governance in the fight against moral harassment in public higher education institutions based on legislation and specialized literature on the subject and analysis of investigations and disciplinary administrative processes resulting from moral harassment, established during the 2018-2019 biennium, within the scope of (UTFPR). It is a content analysis carried out through bibliographic and documentary research, classified as applied, exploratory and descriptive, of quantitative and qualitative character. The results of the research allowed the identification of bullying conduct descriptors; the establishment of objective criteria for the legal framework of moral harassment conduct as administrative improbity; the creation of a checklist to characterize the conduct of bullying. The survey also recommends good practices in public governance as guidelines to be applied in a preventive manner against moral harassment and other repressive practices to be considered by the processing commissions, judges and judging bodies of disciplinary processes, enabling the determination of responsibilities with greater precision and security with a view to improving people management and risk management in public higher education institutions.