Análise comparativa sobre implantação de método de análise de crédito em uma empresa no ramo de combustíveis
2015-06-09Registro en:
SENDESKE, Ana Paula Acco. Análise comparativa sobre implantação de método de análise de crédito em uma empresa no ramo de combustíveis. 2015. 34 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
Sendeske, Ana Paula Acco
The control through a credit policy defines the granting of credit, therefore being contextualized as the policy that determines the selection of credit, standards and terms of credit. The proposed work references two credit granting analysis methods: credit scoring which checks both good and bad paying customers, and risk rating that uses statistics to score several factors and classify the customer. The granting of credit involves obtaining registration of information’s written to all applicants for credit. Undertake a very careful analysis and research of each form, check if all the data is true, and ha someone capable of making the decision to grant or refuse credit to that candidate and determine the risk of it; the sales receipt deadline of a business is influenced by several factors, including: the usual line of business, the billing service efficiency, financial condition of customers, credit policy, etc. Is defined as credit risk the possibility of losses resulted by the lack of payment in the debt of the consumer, due to the financial and economic inability of these same clients The proposed research study is a comparison between the methods credit scoring and risk rating, analyzing advantages and disadvantages in the fuel sector company to propose to analysts quickness in the analysis and reduction in the risk of credit granting to certain clients. The research showed the possibility of using these two methods of analysis, and as concluded the risk rating method was more viable and would provide greater flexibility to the company, with its grading scale and scores allowing analysts without much technical knowledge to rate clients creating a rank of possible defaulters.