Avaliação das forças ortodônticas utilizando sensores de fibra ótica
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MILCZEWSKI, Maura Scandelari. Avaliação das forças ortodônticas utilizando sensores de fibras óticas. 2008. 146 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2008.
Milczewski, Maura Scandelari
Fibre Bragg gratings and polymer optical fibre sensors we used to investigate orthodontic forces. These sensors offer advantages for their use due to the reduced dimensions, chemical inertness, dielectric structure, high sensitivity and compatibility. The measured signal is the wavelength position of the peak in theoptical reflection spectra of the Bragg sensor or changes in the intensity of the transmitted light in polymer fibre sensors, which are related to the transversal force applied on the tooth. The technique is tested in an artificial maxilla model, witch reproduces the orthodontic structure with the sensor placed between the metal tooth and the bracket. The results show forces intensity from 0,10 to 0,63 N over the central incisor when FBGs is used and from 0,18 to 0,45 N using a polymer fibre. The sensor can detect the dissipated forces in the orthodontic model. New fibre optic materials can offer promising improvement in the study of orthodontics forces, in vivo.