Avaliação do layout de canteiros de obras
2016-11-23Registro en:
COSTA, Willy Cardoso da. Avaliação do layout de canteiros de obras. 2016. 73 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Costa, Willy Cardoso da
This research aims to analyze through technical visits to medium sized constructions, regarding the physical disposition (layout) of the construction sites, the adequacy levels to the NR 18 and NBR 12284 standards. Therefore, case studies were carried out by applying a checklist based on the standards, elaborating sketches and recording photographically three ongoing constructions. The applying of such tools allowed an overview of the compliance with the standard, pointing out the irregularities and suggesting corrective actions, always seeking the safety of workers and attendance to the requirements of the standard. It is possible, through the bibliographies, to find tools to assist in the development of efficient layouts, and through these, the research outlines new concepts of the analyzed construction sites. Good planning and organization of site layout offer a way to seek for higher efficiency.