A importância da musicalização no desenvolvimento das funções psíquicas superiores nas crianças da educação infantil
2013-12-14Registro en:
GOMES, Laudicéia Camargo Correia. A importância da musicalização no desenvolvimento das funções psíquicas superiores nas crianças da educação infantil. 2013. 33 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Gomes, Laudicéia Camargo Correia
The objective of this study was to investigate in literature and scientific articles the importance of musicalization the development of higher mental functions in Early Childhood Education. With the character of qualitative research we sought, in theoretical references that authors explain this theme, based on the following question: How can musicalization develop higher mental functions of the child? Thus, this research has brought important insights regarding the practice with musicalization, one of the teaching-learning resources for the development of psychological functions in children, principally due to the benefits for the development of the individual, in the categories: memory, attention, perception, imagination as well as the musical aspects as rhythm, melody, harmony and timbre that stimulate brain circuits, working in education of the human being in all aspects.