Estudo de viabilidade de uso de Cubietruck como servidor para pequenas empresas
2015-10-27Registro en:
FINSTERBUSCH, Anderson. Estudo de viabilidade de uso de Cubietruck como servidor para pequenas empresas. 2015. 74 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
Finsterbusch, Anderson
Today, the computerization reaches the most diverse companies, and even small businesses require computers to perform their daily activities accordingly for better security and performance at work these computers need to be managed by servers. This work is a comparative analysis between two low cost facing small business servers, installing basic services in two hardware: Cubietruck server and desktop server, in order to find what the best cost / benefit for these companies, testing the performance especially in Cubietruck server, so businesses can make use of this feature, in which many still do not have. These servers make available Internet service, intranet, database, backup and security. The analysis will verify which the best performance in hardware, software and power consumption.