Avaliação do impacto do chorume produzido pelo aterro sanitário da cidade de Ponta Grossa na qualidade das águas da bacia do rio Cará-Cará
2016-12-08Registration in:
DINIZ, Laura Carolina Cruz. Avaliação do impacto do chorume produzido pelo aterro sanitário da cidade de Ponta Grossa na qualidade das águas da bacia do rio Cará-Cará. 2016. 68 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2016.
Diniz, Laura Carolina Cruz
Nowadays, one of the main causes of environmental impacts is related to solid residuals generated by society and, this residuals, in decomposing phase produce a dark liquid which is mainly composed by a high amount of polluting organic material and heavy metals, called leachate. The landfill of Ponta Grossa, Paraná is responsible for treatment of the leachate produced by itself, throwing it on the soil where it reaches a tributary of river Cará-Cará hydrographic basin, known as Arroio Modelo. The absence of information and research of commitment levels which these waters are submitted brings the need for an analysis of physic-chemical and microbiological parameters of the receiver body, which makes possible to evaluate the conservation status of the basin. Having this background, the main goal was to appraise the impact caused by the leachate on the water quality in basin of Cará-cará river by using statistics and environmental tools, measuring the Water Quality Index (WQI) and correlating it to the values established by current legislation, CONAMA 357/05, that relates the classification of water bodies and the environment of water according to the use that can be employed. Three points were selected for the study and the results showed a contravention of the current legislation for rivers that belong to category 2, which is the case of the basin, that was previously classified in this category for the appropriate regulatory agency. The water condition was mainly critical on point selected next to the landfill, first area to receive the leachate coming out of the landfill and, at this point, the results were the most significant compared to the other points, endangering the health of local populations, for example, with diseases related to the body water. The other points monitored indicated an improvement due to the natural process of self-purification of the river but the water is still not indicated for public supply if there is no appropriated treatment. Thus, the analysis demonstrates that there are flaws in the treatment given to the leachate in the landfill, which makes possible to alert the community and sensitize managers to pursue actions focused at reducing infections rates.