Protótipo de software educacional para resolução de exercícios em ambiente gamificado
2017-06-14Registro en:
MICHELS, Anderson Luiz. Protótipo de software educacional para resolução de exercícios em ambiente gamificado. 2017. 55 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2017.
Michels, Anderson Luiz
The object of this work is to present a model of an educational software (ES) that may point towards teaching strategies in order to engage and motivate students in educational activities. The development of the model was centered on the creation of a system of activities, focused on the resolution of pedagogical exercises. The referred system concerns a generic scheme of questions and answers about pedagogical content of a given school discipline. In order to understand specific and relevant matters for the development of the work, we approached concepts over human behavior, motivation, engagement, learning, pedagogical mediation, didactics, educational software, gamification, software development and software design. Based on gamification studies and concepts, we applied elements and techniques associated with human engagement and motivation in order to create the ES model. This work resulted on the presentation of a prototype of the gamified system of educational activities.