A trajetória histórica da extensão na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
2011-02-28Registro en:
LOURENÇO, Márcia Rozane Balbinotti de. A trajetória histórica da extensão na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. 2011. 182 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
Lourenço, Márcia Rozane Balbinotti de
This study sought to describe the history of the university extension in the Federal University of Technology - Parana - UTFPR, more precisely from 1968, the year that the extension was made mandatory in the higher education institutions, by the Law of University Reform No. 5540/68. The institution then known as the Paraná Federal Center of Technological Education - CEFET-PR has been recently transformed into a University of Technology, however, since its early days because of its operational characteristics had extension as part of its activities. The aim of this study was to research the profile of the institution and the development of their extension activities. As Institutional goals revolved around training, was characterized by closer ties with the productive sector. Thus, the concept of extension was characterized by the provision of services. In order to present the aims of extension and the university relation with society, the following researchers were used Fávero (1977), Rocha (1980), Gurgel (1986), Cunha (1988), Loureiro (1990), Durhan (1993), Fazenda (1993), Wolff (1993), Buarque (1994), Souza Santos (1996), Thiollent (2000), Botomé (2001), Faria (2001), Melo Neto (2001), Freire (2002), Toscano (2006), as well as, documents of Fórum Nacional dos Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, mainly the Plano Nacional de Extensão (2000/2001). In this study, a documentary survey was made at the Department of Historical Documentation - DEDHIS and the Library of UTFPR in search of information and extension actions taken by the university. The history of the extent UTFPR from 1968 was also recorded through interviews with all directors of the institution before the transformation into a university and rectors from 2005. Among the university administration surveyed several extension activities were developed, although not always be understood as activities of extension. It was identified the institution concern for the relationship with companies and, therefore, the consequent make an effort of activities and projects for the productive sector in way of provision of services. Worth mentioning is the incentive the artistic and cultural activities in the management understood between 1972/1984, and the emphasis on research projects aimed at technology in the management of 1988/1992. The word "extension" begins to appear with increasing frequency from the second half of the nineties, as well as the emphasis on services with the aim of rising financial support. The extension activities earn higher consideration from the year 2000 with the discussions on the transformation into a university of technology, so that institution is a part, in 2002, the FORPROEXT. In 2005, take place the transformation of Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica (Federal Center of Technological Education) into Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Federal University of Technology – Paraná). Because of the conversion into a university, UTFPR is undergoing construction of its identity by presenting a project aimed at teaching, research and extension. It was projected with this research, strengthen and enlarge the concept of university extension, to generate discussion about their role and present the extension activities of UTFPR, thus promoting their dissemination.