Plano diretor e especulação imobiliária em São José dos Campos
2011-12-05Registro en:
BUONOMO, Daniela Oliveira. Plano diretor e especulação imobiliária em São José dos Campos. 2011. 101 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
Buonomo, Daniela Oliveira
This research presents an approach to the problem of urban land in Brazil, and its retention for purposes of income, investment and speculation. Also covered is the consequence that this type of treatment generates for society, among which: the marginalization of lower income people to more distant regions, greater demand for infrastructure and urban facilities. These facts lead to increased costs necessary to supply the occupation of urban land in the more peripheral regions. This whole situation is generated against the obligation imposed by the Constitution, in his chapter on Urban Policy, subsequently regulated by the City Statute, which requires that the property fulfills its social function in favor of collective well-being and not just the individual. Finally, this work presents the available mechanisms to combat and control real estate speculation and their important relationship with the City Master Plan. Later the issue of speculation is analyzed and focused on the context of the Municipality of São José dos Campos.