Design de livros de bolso no Brasil: a visão das editoras sobre o formato
2019-07-16Registro en:
FRANÇA, Christian Vinícius Bazyl de. Design de livros de bolso no Brasil: a visão das editoras sobre o formato. 2019. 208 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Design Gráfico) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba, 2019.
França, Christian Vinícius Bazyl de
This paper aims to understand the publishers’ perspective about the pocket book in Brazil. For this purpose, questionnaires were sent out to the publishers Companhia das Letras, EdUERJ, Globo Livros, Grupo Editorial Record, Hedra, L&PM Editores, Martin Claret, Planeta de Livros, Vozes e Zahar, about their respective collections. Based on answers about advantages, disadvantages, difficulties, differentials, motivations and future tendencies, discussions were established of the place of the format against the competition with the electronic medium, comparisons between the discourse of each publisher and the discourse transmitted for the projects themselves, as well as reflections on the potential of the pocket in the democratization of reading. In this way, this study highlights the possibilities and the importance of the format in the contemporaneity.