A evolução das cozinhas residenciais europeias versus a contemporaneidade brasileira
2016-04-11Registro en:
LEVEOVIX, Thais Ventura. A evolução das cozinhas residenciais europeias versus a contemporaneidade brasileira. 2016. 30 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Design de Interiores) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Leveovix, Thais Ventura
From the development of a society there is also a development of villas and, to accompany this change, residential kitchens seized certain characteristics that become a unique reflection of its time. Identified as the most important of a dwelling environment, the kitchen has always been related to the role of women in family and society. This aspect directly influenced the spatial composition by adopting specific solutions to the housewife that evolved in parallel to historical changes, social, technological and economic society. This study aims to analyze the chronological evolution of kitchens, thus building a historical overview and pointing out that the main factors that influenced the interior of this space design, are the reflections of society by the lifestyle and the adoption of new technologies such as facilitating domestic work.