Sistema de controle de sinalização para malha rodoviária
2018-11-30Registro en:
HALLA NETO, Maurício; SILVA, Natália Santana de Siqueira. Sistema de controle de sinalização para malha rodoviária. 2018. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2018.
Halla Neto, Maurício
Silva, Natália Santana de Siqueira
The number of motor vehicles circulating in Brazil increased quickly between 2001 and 2012. According to a Metropolis Observatory study, this increasing corresponds to 138.6% or a total of 28.5 million vehicles. When compared with the population growth, which was 11.8% between 2000 and 2010, it is noticeable that the increasing occurred in an excessive way, driven by the good moment of the economy and the good conditions of the automobile industry. However, this increase was not followed by a development of physical and technological infrastructure, directly impacting in the traffic jam and accidents in the country. In this sense, this work proposes the use of data control and communication technologies, already existing in large industries, with the purpose of knowing and acting remotely in the process, it means to apply the supervision and control systems for the purpose to make roadways safer and more flagged. For this, the present work use as reference the systems with the capacity of remote monitoring and control in real time, applied in the industry and verifies its effectiveness, as well as to find solutions and evaluate the applicability of the system for the use in the road environments. In addition, a reflective road stud is proposed, or as it is popularly known, cat’s eye with interactive operation, consisting of a microcontroller device and long-range signal transmission modules, activated from the supervision and control system for that the driver can know the current situation on the stretch of highway where he is traveling. Nevertheless, the whole process of already existing management of a highway is presented to contribute technically and to add to the proposed system, since a complement of characteristics is sought. Thus, technological advances are expected not only to be restricted to cars, which are constantly innovating, but also reach highways to combine technology with traffic quality, resulting in greater safety for users of it.