Implantação de uma área com paisagismo interativo no câmpus UTFPR - Dois Vizinhos
2017-06-06Registro en:
MATOS, Aline Oliveira de. Implantação de uma área com paisagismo interativo no câmpus UTFPR - Dois Vizinhos. 2017. 133 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2017.
Matos, Aline Oliveira de
The landscaping concept is linked to a technique that aims the designing, planning, management and preservation of open spaces, urban or rural, in order to organize the external areas and harmonize it with the nature and buildings. This study is based on aesthetic criteria and the relevance of natural elements, mainly vegetation. The landscaping project aims to meet the desires, demands and needs of users, through a qualitative and utilitarian distribution of spaces. Based on it, the aim of this study is to develop an interactive landscape design as means of expanding the arboretum to the use of the academic community of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, campus Dois Vizinhos. A sustainable building with a green roof will be indicated, so it could be used as a living area for students and servers. A “grey water” garden will be developed through the reuse of greywater, as part of the sustainable landscaping project with the purpose of demonstrating to the academic community new techniques of water saving. A poison garden will be set up to warn the population about the poisoning risks caused by plants that are commonly used in gardens as ornamental form. In order to socially include people with special needs, a sensory garden will be developed, this garden also will be used by people who does not have any physical limitation so they can try different sensations, and develop senses which are not normally used in a common day. AutoCAD® was used to project the different gardens of this project. Finally, this study has grate importance to the academic community of this educational institution, because it covers many topics and issues that should be discussed within the university education system, as well as open visitation complex for the population, as way of extension on relevant themes, such as: toxic plants risks, special needs and accessibility and use of plants to reduce water pollution and filtering.