Projeto ótimo multifísico de geradores síncronos
2020-11-18Registro en:
GONÇALVES, Bruno Mattioli; KUBOTA, Emerson. Projeto ótimo multifísico de geradores síncronos. 2020. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2020.
Gonçalves, Bruno Mattioli
Kubota, Emerson
This work approaches the optimum multiphysical design of a synchronous generator, aiming to obtain more adequated generator for differents applications and with reduced cost. The optimization of synchronous generators is not widely used by national industries. Therefore, it is intended to show with this project that is possible to apply the optimization in synchronous generators to get more economically attractive machines. This work was carried out in two main stages. First, an analytical project was carried out with calculations of various mechanical, geometric, magnetic and electrical parameters of the machine, but not including optimization. Its validation was performed using finite elements software. The second step is an optimal design to minimize the cost of active materials. The values obtained in the preliminary design were used as initial values in the optimum design of the generator. Thus, a project was obtained with the minimization of the machine´s copper and iron volumes. The optimization was performed by a deterministic algorithm and did not take into account the costs of production, transportation, or other components of the generator, only the active materials were taken into account. It is important to emphasize that the generators of the two stages are not commercial and that the project was focused on optimization. The results obtained were satisfactory and through validation it was possible to verify that the project specifications were accomplished. In addition, the results of the optimal design showed significant reduction in the volume of the generator.