Gerenciamento de uma rede sem fio com pfSense
2015-11-19Registro en:
FRANCO, Bruno Santolin Dornelles. Gerenciamento de uma rede sem fio com pfSense. 2015. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Gradução) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2015.
Franco, Bruno Santolin Dornelles
This work present a study case that shows the pfSense deployment, used as a main solution on a higher education institution´s wireless network management. At first, the Institution´s Computer Network issues are presented. The concepts of network security are discussed and network services are required to solve the presented issues. This work demonstrates on how the infrastructure of the institution was organized before and after the changes. The main study revolves around the pfSense software where the features of this tool are highlighted and how these problems in the institution's wireless network are solved.