Mulheres condutoras de ônibus: tabus, conquistas e desafios
2017-12-11Registro en:
CARVALHO, Ana Maria de. Mulheres condutoras de ônibus: tabus, conquistas e desafios. 2017. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia e Sociedade) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Carvalho, Ana Maria de
The function of driving a bus is exercised mainly by men. However, more and more, women enter this profession and there feel the taboos, challenges and joys of the profession. In this way the objective of this research was to analyze the conditions of access and permanence of women as bus drivers in Curitiba and Metropolitan Region, with a view to the achievements, difficulties, limits, challenges that these women face to access and remain in the profession. As a research methodology, a qualitative approach was adopted, using as a research technique the semi-structured interview, in which 20 bus drivers, who worked in Curitiba and Metropolitan area, were interviewed. The interviews took place in May and June of 2017. In order to analyze the data we used the Content Analysis method, in which we observed that the insertion and permanence in this profession is permeated by contradictions, and although the high degree of empowerment of drivers, they are still subjected to numerous challenges regarding the power relations practiced by male drivers. There are reports of situations in which drivers use strategies to relieve or be indifferent to discriminatory assaults as a way of not being upset at work. In addition, they demonstrate that they have the same level of capacity to drive their vehicles and perform their profession. The results of this research may enable actions to increase the insertion of women in this profession.