Obtenção e caracterização físico-química e sensorial de fermentado de pêssego
2016-06-16Registro en:
DEL BEL, Vanessa de Cássia Mendes. Obtenção e caracterização físico-química e sensorial de fermentado de pêssego. 2016. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Del Bel, Vanessa de Cássia Mendes
Wine is an alcoholic beverage obtained from juice fermentation of ripe natural fruit. Alcoholic beverage obtained from fermentation of other fruit that not grape, it should indicate the name of the fruit, as peach wine. Any fruit which contain reasonable sugar levels can produce wine with characteristic flavors of each fruit, and alcoholic content 4 - 14 % by volume. The Chiripá peach cultivar is the most produced in the Brazilian South, its offer period is from September to January. In this period the peach offer is very high, so there are a great waste of fruits, thus wine production from peach can be a way to decrease waste and raising the familiar farmer’s income. Thus the objective of this work was the production of peach fermented and their physicochemical and sensory evaluation. So, the peaches were clean, peeled and processed with mineral water to obtain peach pulp, which was characterized by Brix; total acidity; ashes; reducing sugars; pH; and proteins. Then the peach pulp was added with sugar syrup to adjust to 18ºBrix; it was added sodium metabisulfite, and pasteurized. So, it was then divided into 4 bottles of PET 5L. Then, two bottles were additioned with Red Star yeast Cote des Blancs (Fermented 1 and 2), and two bottles with commercial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fermented 3 and 4). The process to the Fermented 1 and 3 occurred at 25ºC, and to the Fermented 2 and 4 at 18ºC. The fermentation process was monitored periodic with physical-chemical analysis: oBrix, pH, cell count and alcohol. After fermentation, racking, clarification and maturation, the peach fermented were characterized by physical-chemical analysis of Brix; pH; ashes; titratable acidity and alcohol content; and characterized also by microbiological and sensorial analyzes. Yeasts used in this work showed good performance to produce peach fermented, however, there wasn't significant difference in the physico-chemical and sensory analyses results of the final products obtained with different yeasts or at different temperatures. The results showed peach fermented with characteristics in agreement with legislation patterns for grape wine. However, sensory analysis presented nonacceptance by the tasters.