Lei 13.415/2017 e Base Nacional Comum Curricular: posicionamento e concepções de professores de química
2022Registro en:
BARBOSA, Everton Koloche Mendes. Lei 13.415/2017 e Base Nacional Comum Curricular: posicionamento e concepções de professores de química. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2022.
Barbosa, Everton Koloche Mendes
The general objective of this study was to analyze and discuss the perceptions and understings of high school Chemistry teachers about Lei nº13.415/2017, which, among other aspects, institutes high school reform, and on the Base Nacional Cumun Curricular do Ensino Médio (BNCC-EM), specifically with regard to its impacts on Chemistry contents and the training of basic education students. To this and, we developed a qualitative research with four Chemistry teachers from the state public education network of a city in the midwest region of Paraná, Brazil. As a data collection instrument, partially structured interviews were used. In addition to these, in order to complement the data analysis of he informations and demarcated the circumstance studied, we used the documentar and bibliographic sources. The analysis process was based on the data triangulation technique, allowing a more rigorous and expanded knowledge construction. The discussion of the accumulated information was carried out under a critical perspective of education and curriculum, in order to apprehend the political, economic and social dimensions involving the object os study. Based on the results, we observed that the following aspects were recurrent in the narratives of the interviewees: the reduction of the time devoted to general education, the centralization of the curriculum and the emptying of the curriculum, whith a reduction in the section dedicated to Chemistry subject. However, the justifications of some of the interviewees for the questions were imprecise or contradictory and others did not explore the politics elements that envolve the reform of secondary education and the BNCC-EM.