Sistema de aquisição de consumo de energia microcontrolado com acesso remoto via web baseado no Raspberry PI
2017-11-30Registro en:
LUGARINI, Diogo; KOYASHIKI, Lucas Kenji Matsunaga. Sistema de aquisição de consumo de energia microcontrolado com acesso remoto via web baseado no Raspberry PI. 2017. 85 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Lugarini, Diogo
Koyashiki, Lucas Kenji Matsunaga
Nowadays in the largest part of the Brazilian´s residences there is not a lot of knowledge and control regarding the consume of electric energy, the consumers only know how much they consumed and spend in the end of every month after the electric energy invoice arrives at home. The proposal of this work is to present an energy consume measurement equipment, which can monitor instruments, such as Heaters, Light Bulbs and others that are present in the residences, showing the instant consume after the instrument is connected and allowing the user to monitor the data using a Web Site. For this matter, a residential automation system was developed with a Microcontroller PIC 18F2520, to read voltage and current on electric plugs, and a processing central module using Raspberry PI, to calculate and present the consume of electric energy of equipment (resistive load) in real time through a Web system. The total cost of the project was R$ 305.90 and the maximum range was 12 meters. The project was tested with resistive load, presenting suitable values for consume and outgoing, corroborating with the perfect functioning of the solution proposed.