O papel da sala de recursos multifuncionais no auxílio a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais inseridos no ensino fundamental
2012-12-01Registration in:
CERON, Kátia Regina. O papel da sala de recursos multifuncionais no auxílio a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais inseridos no ensino fundamental. 2012. 41 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
Ceron, Kátia Regina
This theoretical work and research aimed at addressing the role of multi-functional resource room in assisting students with special educational needs placed in primary education. This theoretical work and research aimed at addressing the role of room multifunction capabilities in assisting students with special educational needs inserted in elementary school. The inclusion of these special students in elementary school can happen so pleasurable because "everyone" has the right to education, to live in society as well as attend school like any child. By accepting with special needs in our schools called "normal" is also accepting the differences and limitations of each human being. For this it is necessary to not only integrate the carrier needs in school but also give conditions so that she can actually act in society. Today the Law of Guidelines and Basis of Education guarantees the right of children with atendly preferably in the regular school, with respect and their skills and individuality, being the teacher pursue these paths that lead to the development of special physical needs.