Impactos da geração fotovoltaica distribuída em uma rede de distribuição
2018-11-26Registration in:
MACEDO, Pablo Ubiratan Pereira. Impactos da geração fotovoltaica distribuída em uma rede de distribuição. 2018. 103 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Macedo, Pablo Ubiratan Pereira
The use of photovoltaic (PV) generators connected to the power distribution network has grown in avegege 30% a year on the globe. Although in Brazil the solar energy participation is still low, comparing with hydropower for instance, it increased 358% from 2017 and 2018. Therefore; there is a need to know the impacts of high PV penetration on the distribution grid, in order to create solutions and technology to avoid undesired impacts that high PV penetration will have on the grid in terms of energy’s quality.This work addresses the study of distributed photovoltaic generation on a public domain distribution network of EPRI. It was used the same requirements of Brazilian power utilities to model the original distribution network into different scenarios with different PV penetration levels.The PV systems were distributed on the same buses than the loads. The profile for consumption used on the simulation has residential characteristic, and the solar irradiance has an sunny day and without clouds, profile. The software chosen to run the simulations was OpenDSS (an open souce software). All the simulation were ran on the daily mode with time intervals of 15min, for each PV penetration scenario. Then, it was made an analysis of the results, showing the impacts that PV penetration increase has on the distribution network.