Otimização da produção agrícola e minimização dos custos de transportes
2021-05-07Registro en:
RAMOS, Thallia Aline. Otimização da produção agrícola e minimização dos custos de transportes. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Matemática) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2021.
Ramos, Thallia Aline
Recent technological advances in agricultural production activities aim at a set of operations that seek to increase productivity and improve performance, such as reducing costs, production time and optimizing production processes. Thus, the objective of this work is to optimize agricultural production, maximizing production profit and minimizing product transport costs, using linear programming. In order to solve these liner programming problems, there are computational algorithms that can be used to obtain solutions, such as the Simplex Method. In this context, this work presents a case study in a rural property located in the Sertaneja city, in the state of Paraná, by studying two Linear Programming problems: to optimize agricultural production and to minimize the cost of transporting the products, providing the best solution for distribution in the desired locations and the profit of vegetable production, increasing productivity, growing healthier products and reducing environmental impacts.