Utilização da ferramenta mancha de inundação para mapeamento das áreas afetadas pela cheia do Rio Marrecas – Francisco Beltrão, PR
2016-12-21Registro en:
ZANELLA, Jean Rafael Dias. Utilização da ferramenta mancha de inundação para mapeamento das áreas afetadas pela cheia do Rio Marrecas – Francisco Beltrão, PR. 2016. 37 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2016.
Zanella, Jean Rafael Dias
The problems due to flooding events have been faced by several Brazilian cities, these problems come from a disorderly and unplanned growth, resulting in an occupation of irregular areas, besides the deforestation increasing considerably the soil impermeability, one of the mainly factors of flooding occurrence. According to census of 2010 of IBGE, Francisco Beltrao has a population of 87.491 people. Francisco Beltrao is one of the main cities of southwest Parana. However, there is series of considerable damages on the population and to the public and private institutions due to flooding of Marrecas river and its tributaries, where most of the cases occurs due to occupation of irregular areas. Thus, this study simulated flooding events to different elevations with flooding simulation tool on Global Mapper software and techniques that allowed the geoprocessing data manipulation being the results has showed through cartographic maps.