A utilização de aulas teóricas na educação física para o ensino médio no município de Umuarama – PR
2018-06-16Registro en:
LOPES, Hewerton Aparecido. A utilização de aulas teóricas na educação física para o ensino médio no município de Umuarama – PR. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2018.
Lopes, Hewerton Aparecido
This work had as thematic to analyze the application of theoretical classes, in a traditionally practical discipline, by physical education teachers in the city of Umuarama-PR, through the specific objectives of identifying the percentage of theoretical classes used, the consensus among teachers of the definition of a theoretical class, if there is resistance on the part of the students when they make use of this methodology and analyze the posture and interpretation of the teachers about the relevance of theoretical classes in the process of teaching and learning. The method used was the field research where all the physical education teachers who worked in high school in Umuarama-PR were interviewed. Through a form, they voluntarily answered 11 objective and / or dissertation questions. The data presented aroused interest in how the relationship between theory and practice in physical education classes has been developed and what are the possible consequences that this dichotomy may have on the school environment. For many teachers there is a distinct relationship between the two methodologies, and according to the answers, a higher percentage of practical classes are applied regarding the total number of classes in the school year. In this way, it was possible to perceive that the interviewees defended the importance of using theoretical classes in the context of the discipline, but there is still a distortion regarding the concept of what this methodology represents, how it dialogues with practice, and what forms it can be applied.