Sob o signo de Capricórnio: a jornada do herói no quadrinho Corto Maltese, de Hugo Pratt
2018-02-26Registro en:
FONSACA, Adriano Luís. Sob o signo de Capricórnio: a jornada do herói no quadrinho Corto Maltese, de Hugo Pratt. 2018. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagens) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Fonsaca, Adriano Luís
This research aims to understand how a modern narrative exhibits the myth and its archetype as well as how the hero‟s journey is represented. In order to fulfill this objective, the comic Corto Maltese: Sob o Signo de Capricórnio, made by the Italian cartoonist Hugo Pratt, was analyzed. As a methodology, the following question was proposed as guide: In which way the hero‟s journey is presented and manifested in the language of HQ Corto Maltese: Sob o Signo de Capricórnio and how the myths are revealed by the perspective of author, an outsider in relation of the countries he wrote about? After the literature review about some themes concerning narratives and comics, it was possible to formulate the paths of analysis which connected the most appropriate theories for fulfill the goal of this research. The comic book was analyzed by the perspective of the modern men‟s myth: as a product and a character created by a man who was an outsider to the cultures he talks about. Not only does the comic‟s history retell myths by a modern view, but also it satisfies the aspiration of modern man who, after all, is a traveler by nature (figuratively speaking or otherwise). Finally, using this method of analysis suggested by Christopher Vogler, it was possible to identify that the hero‟s journey archetype is present in the Hugo Pratt‟s comic book, a cultural product, made by men, which comes from modernity and its technology.