Diagnóstico sobre a elaboração dos planos municipais de saneamento básico no estado do Paraná
2016-11-24Registro en:
PEDRO, Gustavo Henrique. Diagnóstico sobre a elaboração dos planos municipais de saneamento básico no estado do Paraná. 2016. 60 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2016.
Pedro, Gustavo Henrique
The Municipal Plan of Basic Sanitation (MPBS) is a mandatory requirement so that from 2018 municipalities can obtain federal funds for investment in the basic sanitation sector. The deadline for preparation has already been extended twice because of the large number of municipalities that did not complete their preparation in time. Data on the quantification of the municipalities that have prepared or not the respective MPBS available for consultation are scarce, making it difficult to characterize the municipalities that elaborated their Plans or
not in the State of Paraná. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the number of municipalities that developed or not their plans, as well as to differentiate the profile of these municipalities. It was observed that 281 of the 399 municipalities of Parana have already elaborated their MPBSs and that the majority of the
municipalities that did not elaborate tend to present lower Human Development Index (HDI), Gross Domestic Product (GNP) and demographic density, Precarious conditions, mainly regarding sanitary sewage and solid urban waste collection, this indicates a worrisome picture for future prospects of this sector in municipalities that do not elaborate their MPBS within the deadline.